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Latest News Click here for the February Parish Pump.

Seed Swap and Plant Sale:  on March 8th 2025 (10.00 a.m.–12 noon) in the village hall. Now is a good time to collect and save seed, especially seed from wildflowers and garden plants that attract wildlife.  Click here for tips on how to collect and save seeds.

Thai Curry Night:   Support your local doctors surgery! Come along to a Thai Curry Night in Doynton Village Hall on Friday 21st March. Doors open 6.30pm, food served 7.00pm. Choice of chicken or veg curry, pay bar, raffle. All proceeds to Friends of Three Shires Surgeries. Tickets in advance only: Adults £15, Children (under 14) £7.50 from Lisa on 07974 771670 or Lisaj.williams@me.com. Everybody welcome.

We also need desserts, volunteers to help serve on the night, and raffle prizes. If you can help at all, please contact Shu on 07796 956392 or shuhanjade@yahoo.co.uk

Avon & Somerset Police report  Click here for the latest local report.


The Doynton Community is a Whatsapp group of local people which swaps useful information and advice about local issues and services.  Email doyntonvillage@live.co.uk to join the group to keep informed and to get access to help within the village.
Doynton Map: below is an embedded link to google maps. If you want to see a street view of the village then click on 'View Larger Map' and then drag the little yellow pegman onto the place you want to see.  You can drag the image around and see a 360 degree view of anywhere in the village.


Doynton Village Website will only utilise the information that you have requested us to place on the website for that sole purpose of being informative and shared only on the Doynton Village Website. GDPR related statements can be seen here, here, here, here and here.

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