Doynton and Wick Women's Institute

We organise garden visits, theatre trips and fundraising events during the year. 

WI News May 2024 The May meeting was well attended and our members voted unanimously in favour of this year’s WI resolution, “Dental health matters”. Our vote will be taken to the AGM at The Royal Albert Hall later in June by our member representative, Angela Dimmer. Members also took a stroll “down memory lane”, with a lovely selection of past photographs compiled by Sue Hickmore, which were shown on the data projector. This presentation formed part of our centenary celebrations this year. Next month’s meeting, on June 11th, will be a hands-on foraging evening with expert forager Maria Fernandez, followed by refreshing cups of foraged tea! The competition is “a recipe including a free food”. Visitors welcome (£4). We meet on the second Wednesday of every month, 7.30 p.m. at Doynton village hall.

WI News April 2024 Our WI celebrates its 100th birthday this year! Claire Dimond Mills has been sifting through the archives for stories, photographs and press reports from the early years. Some members recognized themselves in the (later!) photos and shared fond memories of Pearl Brookman and her poems and the garden parties hosted by Mrs Eileen Pitman at Doynton House. At the meeting in May, members will discuss this year’s national resolution, on “dental health matters”. The Going Down Memory Lane photo archive will be on display, and the competition is “a Spring flower arrangement”. All welcome at Doynton village hall on Wednesday May 8th, 7.30 p.m. Doynton and Wick is hostess of the Doynton group of WIs this year, and the first group event will be on May 24th in Doynton – a “Mamma Mia!” evening with Greek meze and buffet and an opportunity to sing along to the film!

WI News March 2024 Members welcomed Jenny Bowman, speaking on “The King of Swaziland and his 15 Wives”. Jenny shared her love for Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland), a small independent African kingdom. She showed some lovely photographs of the colourful characters and culture, abundant wildlife and varied landscapes. Did you know that the collective name for a group of zebras is a “dazzle”? Next month, we look forward to a returning speaker, the genealogist Claire Dimond Mills, who will be delving into our very own WI’s 100-year-old past with her presentation “Who do we think WE are?”. Anyone with an interest in our local history is most welcome as a guest (tickets £4). Men are allowed too (if they dare!). The competition is “a memory of a past meeting”. All welcome at Doynton village hall on Wednesday April 10th, 7.30 p.m.

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