Doynton Parish Council

The Parish Council is trying to raise its profile in the village.  If you have any matters you wish to raise with the council please contact any councillor - phone numbers are on the left of this page. Alternatively you can email them on: .

Click here for dates of meetings (held every 2 months)

The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 31st July 2024 at the Doynton Village Hall at 7:00pm.  Everybody welcome.  Please click here for the agenda.

The Parish Council meetings are governed by standing orders which you can read here and financial regulations which you can see here and here.  The budget and actuals for 2023/24 can be seen here Details of Doynton Parish Council insurance policies can be seen here and here.

The annual governance and accountability reports for the last 5 years :  2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 The internal independent audit statement for 2022/23 is here. The notice of exercise of public rights is here.  Accounting Statements for 31st March 2023 are here.

The budget for 2024-25 can be seen here.  The fixed asset register can be seen here. The tree register can be seen here.  The Community Infrastructure Levy Statement can be seen here.

Minutes of Council Meetings:

Doynton Parish Annual Residents Meeting 2021 1-07-21 29-09-21 17-11-21 19-01-22

23-03-22 4-05-22 Doynton Annual Residents Meeting 2022 Doynton PC AGM 2022

19-07-22 21-09-22 16-11-22 17-01-23 14-03-23

Doynton Annual Residents Meeting 2023  Doynton PC AGM 2023 25-05-23  18-07-23

19-09-23  29-11-23  16-01-24  19-03-24  28-05-24  Doynton Annual Residents Meeting 2024

Doynton PC AGM 2024

Doynton Parish Council Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24

DPC Budget and Cashflow 1-4-23 to 31-3-24 Final is here.

Doynton PC explanation of significant variances is here.

Declaration of statement of accounting statements is here.

Bank reconciliation Doynton PC 2023-24 is here.

Doynton Parish council bank reconciliation 2023-24 is here.

DPC Internal auditors report 2023-24 is here.

Notice of Public rights 2023-24 is here.

AGAR 2023-24 Form 2 is here.  Signed pages 3,5 and 6 are here, here and here.

Doynton PC conflict of interest 2023-24 is here.

Local Code of Conduct and Complaints Process:

From 1st July 2012 local councils are required to adopt a Local Code of Conduct for Members. The responsibility for considering complaints that a member may have breached the Code of Conduct will remain with South Gloucestershire Council.  The Doynton Parish Council Equality and Diversity Policy can be seen here. The Doynton Parish Council Safeguarding Policy for young people can be seen here and here.

What this means to you:

Doynton Parish Council adopted its Local Code of Conduct on 19th September 2012. The Revised Code of Conduct is available here and the complaints procedure is here.  The small parish transparency code is here.  If you consider that a Parish/Town Councillor has acted in such a way as to breach the Code of Conduct, you must submit your complaint in writing to:

The Monitoring Officer
South Gloucestershire Council
Council Offices
Castle Street
South Gloucestershire
BS35 1HF

A standard complaint form is available on the South Gloucestershire Council web site.  Complaints will be referred to the Standards Sub-Committee of South Gloucestershire Council.  It will only deal with complaints about the behaviour of a member. It will not deal with complaints about things that are not covered by the members’ Code of Conduct.

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